Ian Ramsey Centre : All Pages
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- Alister McGrath
- Andrew Pinsent
- Former IRC speaker Sir Roger Penrose wins the 2020 Nobel Prize in Physics
- Fellowship Awards, Roger Scruton Philosophy Symposium, 2021
- Death of Sir John Polkinghorne (1930-2021)
- IRC Associate Marija Selak elected to the Croatian Parliament
- Blog
- IRC seminars and conferences
- New Horizons for Science and Religion in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE)
- Philosothon Expansion in the UK
- The “PhysPhil” conferences on physics and philosophy
- Natural Theology in the 21st Century, 2021 IRC Conference
- Grey - Philosophy, Theology, and Agriculture: The Missing Link
- McLeish - The Rediscovery of Contemplation Through Science
- John Habgood on Science, Faith, and Public Engagement
- POSTPONED "Fire from Heaven" - A World Premiere
- God and the Book of Nature in the 21st Century
- Recovering the Hierarchy of Being
- The End of Physics as We Knew It
- CANCELLED - A No-Go Result for a Relativity-Proof Dynamic Concept of Time
- Contemporary Scientific Explanations of Religion: Problems and Perspectives
- Empirical Evidence against Free Will? A Case Study in Neuro-Mythology
- Where is God? Divine Presence and Location
- 2019 Conference, "Compassion and Theodicy"
- The Evolution and Ontogeny of Ritual
- Barrett - Are Children Naturally Religious?
- Barrett - Are Humans Naturally Religious?
- Smith - Are Persons Relational?
- Bethany Sollereder
- Carl Hildebrand
- Daniel De Haan
- Ignacio Silva
- John Hedley Brooke
- Michael Burdett
- Mikolaj Slawkowski-Rode
- Paul Rezkalla
- Pete Jordan
- Peter Harrison
- Ralph Weir
- Roger Trigg
- Samuel Hughes
- Stanley P. Rosenberg
- William Simpson
- IRC Associate William Simpson wins 4th Expanded Reason Award
- ABC Article - A Christian response to COVID-19
- Call for Grant Applications - Central and Eastern Europe
- 2019 Bampton Lectures now on YouTube
- Winners, Oxford University Essay Prize, Central and Eastern Europe
- Contemporary Manifestations of Evil and Attempts at Their Justification
- The Metaphysical Poverty of Naturalism
- The Sentiments of Rationality: Feeling, Science, and Secularism after Darwin
- What is Love?
- God Can’t Stop Evil Singlehandedly
- Evil and the Myths We Live By
- New Horizons in Science and Religion: Launch of the Ian Ramsey Centre Series
- 01 The Existence of God: Materials for Schools
- 02 Free Will and Responsibility: Materials for Schools
- 03 Miracles: Materials for Schools
- 04 The Problem of Evil and Suffering: Materials for Schools
- 05 Science and Religion: Materials for Schools
- Barrett - Are Persons Their Brains?
- Pinsent - Are there Limits to Computer Metaphors of the Mind?
- Pinsent - Are We Naturally Religious?
- Pinsent - Can Neuroscience Teach Us About the Way We Think?
- Deane-Drummond - What is Life for?
- Deane-Drummond - What is Life?
- Barrett - Do Children Naturally Believe in God?
- Barrett - Does Cognitive Science Make Religion Redundant?
- Barrett - Does Cognitive Science Show that Religion is False?
- Barrett - Does Neuroscience Deny Free Will?
- Pinsent - Does Science Explain Away Religious Beliefs?
- Smith - Does Technology Extend our Mind?
- Hernández - José M. Hernández, the first NASA astronaut from a Mexican migrant family
- Smith - How Are the Mind and Brain Related?
- Pinsent - Is Multidisciplinarity Suitable to Study Persons?
- Smith - Is Multidisciplinarity Suitable to Study Persons?
- Pinsent - Is the Brain a Computer?
- Smith - Is the Brain like a Computer? Part I
- Smith - Is the Brain like a Computer? Part II
- Barrett - Is there a Limit to Computer Metaphors on the Mind?
- Vicuña - Life: What is it?
- Pinsent - What is Life?
- Pinsent - The Difference Between the Mind and the Brain
- Brooke - The Origin of Life
- Vicuña - The Origins of Life
- Pinsent - The Watchmaker Metaphor
- Pinsent - What Am I?
- Barrett - What Are Persons?
- Pinsent - What are Souls?
- Pinsent - What are the Prospects of Artificial Intelligence?
- Smith - What Can Philosophers Learn From Wine?
- Pinsent - What is a Person?
- Pinsent - What is Consciousness?
- Pinsent - What is grace?
- Smith - What is Insight?
- Pinsent - What is Life for?
- Brooke - What is Life?
- Smith - What is the Role of the Body in Religious Practices?
- Barrett - What is the Soul?
- Pinsent - Where Did Life Come From?
- Pinsent - Why is the Brain Divided?
- Adcock - Secularism as a Matter of Fact
- Elsdon-Baker - Communicating Evolution in a Globalised World
- Beatty - Narrating Chance
- Beck - Homo Mercans
- Bente - Coordinated Minds and Bodies
- Bielik-Robson - The Infinite in the Finite: Human Life as Living Contradiction in Hegel, Freud, and Rosenzweig
- Bishop - Becoming (Trans/Post) Human
- Blackburn - Brain Science and Morality
- Brosnan - A Comparative Approach to Morality
- Brown - Art’s Critique of Theology
- Came - Nietzsche as a Christian Thinker
- Carman - The Antikythera Mechanism: Orbits, Gods and Gears
- Carroll - Cosmology and Creation: When a Beginning is not the Beginning
- Carter & Tallis - Has Neuroscience Demonstrated that We Do Not Have Free Will?
- Chappell - Personal Knowledge
- Chappell - Science, Non-Science, and Nonsense
- Clark - Is Atheism 'Normal'? Reflections from the Cognitive Science of Religion
- Clough - The Pursuit of Human Uniqueness as Species-Level Narcissism
- Conway-Morris - Is Convergence Becoming too Popular?
- Cottingham - Confronting the Cosmos: Scientific Rationality and Human Understanding
- Cottingham - Morality and the Transcendant
- Crane - How Should We Think about the Contrast between the Natural and the Supernatural?
- Cunningham - Darwin's Idea: Dangerous or Pious?
- Darwall - Making the Hard Problem of Moral Normativity Easier
- Oderberg - Recovering the Hierarchy of Being
- Dávid-Barret - Collective Action, Shared Intentionality, and the Origins of Religion
- De Cruz - The Argument from Miracles and the Cognitive Science of Religious Testimony
- Donald - Religion and the Rise of the Machine
- Dreyfus - Dostoyevsky on how to Save the Sacred from Science
- Dumler-Winckler - The Holy Matrimony of the Modern Poet and Scientist
- Eastman - Second-Personal Knowledge of Divine Action: A View from the Apostle Paul
- Ellis - How can Physics Underlie the Mind? Top-Down Causation in the Human Context
- Ellis - Supernaturalism and Naturalism: Beyond the Divide
- Ewart - Chaos and the Character of God
- Hernández - Explorations
- Flanagan - Evolution of Anger
- Florio & Urrutia - Science and Religion in Latin America (Spanish)
- Frost - Epigenetics and the Registers of Meaning
- Galleni - Biosphere and Noosphere: A Symbiotic Relationship
- Gleiser and McGrath - Unknowns in Heaven and Earth
- Goff - Did the Universe Design Itself?
- Green & Pinsent - Neurotheology and the Social Brain (Part 2)
- Green & Pinsent - Neurotheology and the Social Brain (Part 1)
- Griffioen - Suffering, Struggle, and Theodicy as Therapy
- Halvorson - Does the Universe Need God?
- Hannam - God's Philosophers: the Medieval World
- Harrison - Natural Causes, Divine Action, and Scientific Explanation
- Harrison - The Shifting Territories of Science and Religion
- Hedley-Brooke - Science & Secularisation: Where the Myths Lie
- Heller - From the Big Bang to the Gulag: How to Justify the History of the Universe
- Hocknull - Evil and the Myths We Live By
- Horvat - Contemporary Scientific Explanations of Religion: Problems and Perspectives
- Howell - Ape/Human and Nature/Culture Difference: Navigating Muddier Waters
- Prassas, Conrad & Winters - Humane Philosophy Mini‐Conference
- Simpson - IRC Associate and winner of the 4th Expanded Reason Award
- Ruse & Leyser - ISSR Symposium New Holistic Biology (Part 1)
- Reiss &Watts - ISSR Symposium New Holistic Biology (Part 2)
- Kacar - Historical Contingency: Insights from in-vivo Molecular Evolution
- Keener - Miracle Reports in the Gospels and Today
- Kenny - Humanism vs Anthropomorphism
- Kindschi - Is There a Place at the Science-Religion Table for Mathematics?
- Kołodziejczyk - Non-conceptual Content and Religious Experience
- Krajewski - Can a Robot be Grateful?
- Larson - Who's to Blame for Eugenics: An English Agnostic or an Austrian Abbot?
- Lasota - The End of Physics as We Knew It
- Legare - Evolution and Ontogeny of Ritual
- Lightman - The Creed of Victorian Science
- Löffler - Empirical Evidence against Free Will? A Case Study in Neuro-Mythology
- López - Beyond Modularisation: Towards the Integration of Neuro-constructivism
- Łuczewski - Conversion, Coercion, and Transhumanism
- May - What is love?
- McGilchrist - Can Brain Science Cast Light on Cultural History?
- McGinn - Mysterianism and the Mind of God
- McGrath - Conflict or Mutual Enrichment?
- McGrath - Science, God, and Faith: C. S. Lewis & Richard Dawkins
- McGrath - The Search for Coherence in Science and Religion
- McGrath - Understanding Cultural and Theological Resistance to Special Divine Action
- McGrath - Secularism as a Neutral Space with Sides
- McGrath - The Transformation of Humanity or the Abolition of Man?
- McGrath - John Habgood on Science, Faith, and Public Engagement
- McGrath - Reflections on Science and Religion
- McGrath - Why we can't stop talking about Science, Religion, and God
- McGrath - New Atheism and the Dialogue Between Science and Faith
- McGrew - Special Divine Action: The State of the Art and the Uses of History
- McLeish - Faith and Wisdom in Science
- McLeish - Why is Science Such a Pain?
- Megill - Paradoxes, Presuppositions and Proposed Uses of the Evolutionary Epic
- Meriste - Can You Feel Guilt about the Future?
- Messer - Theology and Neuroethics
- Midgley - Science, Scientism and the Self
- Moore - Reflections on the New Atheism
- Contact
- Murray - Science, Religion, and the Templeton Foundation
- Nachev - When the Talking has to Stop: Brain Imaging and the Person
- Nogal & Price - Who Owns Life?
- Numbers - Social Darwinism: A Historical Myth?
- O'Hear - Darwin’s Beliefs
- Oord - God Can't Stop Evil Singlehandedly
- Papineau & Smith - Can Neuroscience Contribute to Self-understanding?
- Pelligrini - Ghost of Enchantment Psychoanalysis and Secular Time
- Penrose - Consciousness and the foundations of physics
- Perovic - Orthodoxy and its Alternatives in Modern Cosmology
- Peterson - Euthanasia, Human and Other
- Pickup - Where is God? Divine Presence and Location
- Pigliucci - What Human Biology Tells Us About Ethics
- Pinsent - A Christmas Carol: The Prosopagnosia of Avarice and its Cure
- Pinsent - The Divided Brain and the Spiritual Sense of Scripture
- Pinsent - The Orphaned State of the Term 'Person' and the Significance of Research
- Pinsent - Why Matter Matters
- Pinsent - Science and Supernatural Flourishing
- Pinsent - The Second-Person Perspective: A Common Project of Science, Philosophy, and Theology
- Porter - Judgments of Desire
- Rath - On the Impossibility of Engineering Moral Virtue
- Reddy - Engagement, Response and Social Understanding
- Reiss - Science and Religion: Public and and School Education
- Robinson - Why there is no such thing as Naturalism
- Robinson - Fingerprints of the Trinity?
- Roessler - Reason Explanation and the Second-Person Perspective
- Rosińska - The Place of Questioning in Fidelity
- Ruse - Are Humans Necessary? Or, Why You Feel the Way You Do
- Ruse - Evolutionary Ethics: A Phoenix Arisen?
- Ruse - Might is Right: Does Darwin refute Thrasymachus?
- Russell - Does ‘the God Who Acts’ Really Act?
- Saunders - Divine Action and Modern Science
- Scruton - Accounting for Yourself
- Scruton - What is it for a Prayer to be Answered?
- Scruton - The Humanities in the Face of Brain Science
- Selak - Contemporary Manifestations of Evil and Attempts at Their Justification
- Shanahan - The Possibility of Artificial Consciousness
- Shushan - Near-Death Experience and the Origins of Afterlife Beliefs
- Silva - Science and Religion in Latin America
- Simpson - The Nature of Scientific and Religious Belief
- Smedes - Why is Special Divine Action a Problem?
- Spruit - Catholic Censorship of Modern Science and Natural Philosophy
- Stump - The Second-Personal and the Transmission of Knowledge Through Testimony
- Sutherland - Greed: from Gordon Gecko to David Hume
- Swinburne - The Probability of the Resurrection of Jesus
- Talasiewicz - Imagery in Science and Religion
- Tallis - Aping Mankind? Neuromania, Darwinitis and the Misrepresentation of Humanity
- Tallis - 'Hey, you!' Some Reflections on Pointing and Second-Person Being
- Tallis - The Sighted Watchmaker: Preliminary Thoughts on How We Got to be so Different
- Tallis - The Strange Idea that What Happens Has to be Made to Happen
- Tan - Extending the Transhuman Person: Religion as Technological Enhancement
- Thweat - Cyborgs in the Garden
- Brekke (Panel) - Fundamentalism and Science
- Trigg - Beyond Matter: Why Science Needs Metaphysics
- Twelftree - The Historian and the Miraculous
- Vainio - Belief-Formation in the Desert of the Real
- Velázquez - Purpose and Nature (Spanish)
- Vicuña - Astrobiology: Searching for Life Beyond the Earth
- Vicuña - New Frontiers on the Origin of Life
- Vicuña - What is Life? (Spanish)
- Von Wachter - Divine Intervention Does not Violate Laws of Nature (Spanish)
- Ward - Secularism the Dead Debate
- Ward - AI Vampires
- MCGrath - Why Study Science & Religion at Oxford?
- Williamson - What is Naturalism?
- Video test page
- McGrath - Natural Theology: An Interface between Science and Religion?
- De Cruz - A Taste for the Infinite: What Evolution can tell us about Belief in God
- Petrovich - The Naturalness of Natural Theology: A Psychological Approach
- McGilchrist - Hemispheric Asymmetry and the Approach to the Divine
- McGrath - INTRO_27 - Conclusion: Framing the Relation of Science and Religion
- McGrath - INTRO_26 - Mystery in Science and Religion
- McGrath - INTRO_25 - Natural Theology
- McGrath - INTRO_24 - Science, Religion, and Moral Values
- McGrath - INTRO_23 - Science, Religion, and the Meaning of Life
- McGrath - INTRO_22 - Reductionism in Science and Religion
- McGrath - INTRO_21 - Models and Analogies in Religion
- McGrath - INTRO_20 - Models and Analogies in Science
- McGrath - INTRO_19 - A Fine-Tuned Universe
- McGrath - INTRO_18 - The Big Bang: Creation and Cosmology
- McGrath - INTRO_17 - Albert Einstein on Science and Faith
- McGrath - INTRO_16 - Darwin, Evolution, and God
- McGrath - INTRO_15 - How does God act in the world?
- McGrath - INTRO_14 - Miracles and the Laws of Nature
- McGrath - INTRO_13 - Isaac Newton and the Mechanical Universe
- McGrath - INTRO_12 - Watching the Heavens: Copernicus and Kepler
- McGrath - INTRO_11 - Can God "explain" anything?
- McGrath - INTRO_10 - Scientism: Exploring the Limits of the Sciences
- McGrath - INTRO_09 - Faith and Proof in Religion
- McGrath - INTRO_08 - Faith and Proof in Science
- McGrath - INTRO_07 - How do we find the best explanation?
- McGrath - INTRO_06 - How do we develop theories?
- McGrath - INTRO_05 - What does it mean to explain something?
- McGrath - INTRO_04 - Science and Faith: Different Maps of Reality
- McGrath - INTRO_03 - The Warfare of Science and Religion?
- McGrath - INTRO_02 - Science and Religion: A Personal Journey
- McGrath - INTRO_01 - Science and Religion: Introducing the Field
- William Simpson wins the 2021 Cardinal Mercier Prize
- The 2021 Roger Scruton Philosophy Symposium
- Human Flourishing Book Launch
- “Why is there Suffering? Pick Your Own Theological Expedition” Book Launch
- Emily Qureshi-Hurst
- Varieties of Atheism in Science
- Briggs & Reiss - Human Flourishing Book Launch
- Harrison - Supernatural Belief in a Secular Age (Lecture 1)
- Harrison - Science and the Disenchantment of Nature (Lecture 2)
- Harrison - Nature and the Idea of the Supernatural (Lecture 3)
- Harrison - Religious Belief and the Myth of Scientific Naturalism (Lecture 4)
- 2022 IRC Conference in Honour of Alister McGrath
- After Galileo: Faith and Science in the 21st Century
- Fighting Pandemics in a Life of Faith
- Existentialism and Metaphysics
- Anglo-Indian Perspectives on Human Dignity in Healthcare and Medical Research
- Panpsychism and God(s)
- Book Launch: Emerging Voices in Science and Theology - Contributions by Young Women
- Priest - Existentialism and Metaphysics
- Jose - Anglo-Indian Perspectives on Human Dignity in Healthcare and Medical Research
- McGrath - Science and Religion: A Reflection on the State of the Art
- $70,000 psychology-religion grants
- In Defence of the Soul
- Report praised in Parliament
- Weir - In Defence of the Soul
- Sciences and the Future of Religion
- Book Launch, "The Meaning of Mourning"
- Medieval Communism
- Personal Identity and the Creation of Self
- When Beliefs Don't Seem True
- WINNERS - Science, Theology & Philosophy Essay Prize
- New Horizons for Science and Religion in Latin America
- The Workshop in the Galapagos Islands, 2015
- The Workshop in Salvador da Bahia, Brazil, 2016
- The Workshop and Final Project Conference, Santiago de Chile, 2017
- Book launch - "Coming to Faith through Dawkins"
- Oxford Mosaic Accessibility Statement
- Mark Harris
- On the Sublime: Poetic Theory in the Age of Dryden
- How the Church Fathers taught me to be a Filmmaker
- The Idea of an A Priori Law
- Lekka-Kowalik - Science and the Future of Religion
- Kanterian - Medieval Communism
- Sławkowski-Rode - The Meaning of Mourning
- Farris - Personal Identity and the Creation of Self
- Dominus Illuminatio Mea: Our Brains, Our Delusions, and the Future of the University
- "Do This in Remembrance of Me": Memory, Cognitive Neuroscience, and the Embodied Remembrance of God in Liturgical Action
- The Right to Believe in Values, Obligations, and Moral Responsibility
- Ian Ramsey Centre: Use of cookies on this website
- The Meaning of Mourning
- Science, Theology, and Humane Philosophy
- Julie Arliss
- Quantum Fundamentalism and Theological Liberty (Andreas Idreos Chair in Science and Religion Inaugural Lecture)
- Gow - When Beliefs Don't Come True
- Cooper - On the Sublime: Poetic Theory in the Age of Dryden
- McGilchrist - Dominus Illuminatio Mea: Our Brains, Our Delusions, and the Future of the University
- Fatona - 'Do this in Remembrance of Me’: Memory, Cognitive Neuroscience, and the Embodied Remembrance of God in Liturgical Action
- Sławkowski-Rode - "The Meaning of Mourning": Perspectives on Death, Loss, and Grief
- Pinsent - Does Humane Philosophy Require Grace?
- Harris - Quantum Fundamentalism and Theological Liberty
- Winners, Oxford University Essay Prize III, Central and Eastern Europe
- Book launch - "Some New World: Myths of Supernatural Belief in a Secular Age"
- Science and Religion Research Seminars | Ian Ramsey Centre Lectures
- A New Account of the Supernatural Life
- Science and Religion Research Seminars | Ian Ramsey Centre Lectures
- ‘A new account of the supernatural life’
- What is a (Religious) Belief?
- ‘Categorical Dualism’
- ‘Likely stories: How the ancient drama of philosophy can help us think about the nonhuman world’
- Call for Papers: Political Theologies of a Democratic Common Life
- McDonald Centre for Theology, Ethics, & Public Life Annual Conference 2025 | Christian Humanism and the Black Atlantic
- DPhil Student Zishang Yue Wins Prestigious Peacocke Prize in Science and Religion
- Buki Fatona
- Hickman - Unlikely Stories